Dr Ly Quoc Thinh: I Ensure Every Patient Has a Suitable Anaesthesia Procedure, Sleeps Peac...

Dr Ly Quoc Thinh doesn’t perform surgeries, but he has nearly three decades of experience working closely with surgeons. Dedicated to anaesthesiolo

Scam Notice – Recruitment Information of FV Hospital

Far East Medical Vietnam Limited (owner of FV Hospital) would like to inform you that there are currently fraudulent messages using our name for pe

Vo Cong Minh, MD, PhD: Meticulous and Dedicated to Every Patient He Treats...

Enthusiastic in his pursuit of both medical practice and scientific research, Vo Cong Minh, MD, PhD, Head of Otorhinolaryngology Department at FV H

Academic Activities
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20 July 2024

This program is designed to equip new graduated medical professionals with hands-on experience and advanced clinical skills. Participants will receive comprehensive training from our experienced medical staff, ensuring they are well-prepared to meet the demands of an international healthcare environment. Join us at FV Hospital to embark on a journey of professional growth and excellence in patient care.

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