
Safe, effective weight loss with thread embedding acupuncture therapy

Within two months of receiving four transplants, in combination with diet advice from FV’s Nutrition & Dietetics Specialist, Mr H.T.K., who lives in HCMC, lost 12.8 kilograms and eight centimetres from the circumference of his waist. T.K. shared: “At first I was a little worried because I didn’t know if the treatment would work. Then I was surprised at the results, especially as my belly skin did not sag after I lost weight.”

Inoculation quality and safe infection control determine treatment efficacy

Thread embedding acupuncture therapy is a treatment method in traditional medicine and is widely applied in many East Asian countries, such as Korea and Japan, to cure chronic issues such as shoulder and neck syndrome, lumbar spine pain, inflammation, sinus problems, insomnia and stroke. In 2013, the implant procedure was officially included in approved treatment regimens by the Ministry of Health in Vietnam.

In the last 10 years, thread embedding acupuncture therapy has been commonly applied in cosmetic surgery, helping to reduce belly fat and obesity. The application of PDO threads can help to create collagen fibres around the implanted area, helping to lift muscle and increase elasticity.

During implantation, dissolvable threads are placed into acupoints under the skin, creating local biochemical and biological reactions, and increasing protein and carbohydrate regeneration. At the same time, the therapy also increases the nutrient metabolism of the muscle, increases the tone of muscle fibers, improves blood circulation to the implant area, and can improve the how the body burns fat stored in the surrounding issue. This treatment has limited side effects, long-term effectiveness and very low risk of complications after treatment.

Currently, two types of thread are commonly used in the method of thread implantation. Catgut thread dissolves within 10 to 20 days and so its effectiveness is limited to the same period. This thread is made from cattle intestines, so can cause allergies in some patients. In addition, the doctor needs to make several preparations—cutting the thread, inserting the thread into the acupuncture needle, and so on—which is more time consuming and makes it more difficult to manage risk of infection.

FV does not use catgut, but Polydioxanone, or PDO, which typically completely dissolves after six to eight months of subcutaneous implantation. The advantage of PDO thread is that it is manufactured and threaded in the needle, so is sterile and minimises risk of infection. In addition, it is non-irritating, well tolerated and effects can be maintained for up to 18 months, and the procedure also takes less time to perform. Dr Diec Kha Han, Head of the Department of Traditional Medicine, FV Hospital, says that her team only uses PDO thread to ensure the safety and effectiveness of treatment procedures.

FV Hospital is JCI-accredited for the safety of its equipment, facilities, and supplies used in the procedure. That ensures the doctor has confidence of the provenance of the materials used to perform implantation, as well as increasing efficiency and safety for patients undergoing treatment at FV’s Department of Traditional Medicine.

Thread embedding acupuncture therapy at FV: a multi-specialty combination to increase treatment efficiency

Dr Diec Kha Han was performing thread embedding acupuncture therapy for a patient

The multi-specialty hospital environment at FV Hospital also offers many advantages in selecting traditional medicine methods for treatment. Dr Kha Han shared: “I can consult with doctors in many different specialties to determine the cause of a disease. From there, we can work collaboratively to suggest the best treatment plan, or support care for the patient.”

Typically, treatment for weight loss and abdominal fat reduction, which combines the expertise of the department of Traditional Medicine and the Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, provides positive, long-term, safe results for patients.

Thread embedding acupuncture therapy has many uses in the field of cosmetology and can also be indicated for the treatment of:

  • Neurological diseases, including sciatica, postherpetic neuralgia, peripheral nerve palsy, stroke rehabilitation, vestibular disorders, insomnia
  • Musculoskeletal diseases, including osteoarthritis, spondylosis, rheumatoid arthritis, shoulder and neck syndrome
  • Many other disorders, such as digestive disorders, prolonged constipation or diarrhea, bronchial asthma, rhinitis, menstrual disorders

In order for more people to benefit from access to the long-lasting, effective treatments available at FV’s Traditional Medicine Department, from November 20, 2021, to January 20, 2022, this Department is offering a 20 per cent discount programme for packages of five treatments using acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, acupressure-massage, subcutaneous acupuncture, and wormwood. Packages purchased are valid until December 31, 2022. Discounts are not applied on implanted materials (threads).

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