
FV Hospital celebrates International Nurses Day 2023 with future prospects

On the afternoon of 12th May, the Nursing Department at FV Hospital hosted a celebration to mark International Nurses Day 2023 in the auditorium. The programme included many interesting performances and stories from the nurses that left a strong impression on all attendees. The event was organised to appreciate and honour the contributions of nurses, midwives, and technicians at FV Hospital. Particularly, this year it also marked the 20th anniversary of FV’s official operation.

Our Nurses. Our Future

Ms Lee Poh Lian, the Nursing Director, opened the ceremony by highlighting significant points in the history of World Nurses Day and expressed her gratitude to the nursing pioneer, Mrs Florence Nightingale. Ms Poh Lian shared: “FV Hospital always recognises your valuable contributions for our patients. Looking towards the future, I hope you will remain dedicated to the honourable values of the nursing profession.”

Ms Poh Lian expressed her hope for the exceptional development of FV nursing in the near future.

She emphasised this year’s theme, “Our Nurses – Our Future,” which affirms the nursing industry’s pioneering role in the healthcare sector. By respecting the rights and promoting the nursing profession, every country can ensure a rapid recovery of a healthcare system that meets the needs of the community.

On behalf of the Board of Directors and all staff at FV Hospital, Ms Pham Thi Thanh Mai, the COO, expressed her gratitude and extended congratulations on the anniversary. She stated, “Everyone’s contributions are essential to FV Hospital. Your professionalism has resulted in excellent quality care for your patients, and I hope it will bring success to your careers.” Throughout the years, FV Hospital has implemented numerous policies to enhance the working conditions of medical staff and has developed professional development programmes for nurses, midwives, and technicians.

Ms Thanh Mai also conveyed congratulations and thanks from the CEO, Dr Jean-Marcel Guillon, to the nursing team.

This year, Mr Do Chi Tam, the ICU Head Nurse, lead the nursing team to take the “Nurse’s Pledge”. This annual tradition serves as an important reminder for the nursing team, helping them always prioritise the well-being of their patients and align their career aspirations accordingly.

The nursing team is saying the Nurse’s Pledge

The meaning of nursing work again emphasised by Mr Pham Minh Thi, the Head Nurse of the A&E Department, in a heartfelt and realistic video. He also provided suggestions for nurses aspiring to become nursing managers, stating, “I hope my suggestions will help young nurses establish stability in their careers and work towards their future management goals.”

Various forms of specialised training to meet future needs

The event continued with a competition between groups of nurses from different departments. With their clear and impressive presentation on the theme “What does being a nurse mean to you,” the nursing team representing the Surgical Department and A&E Department won the contest; second place was awarded to the team from Outpatient Department & FV Saigon Clinics, and the third place went to Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Paediatrics. Additionally, the presentation in English from the Intensive Care Unit and the Operating Theatre received high praise from the judges.

PrD. Doctor Do Trong Khanh, the Medical Director, presented prizes to the winning teams of the presentation contest.

In preparation for International Nurses Day 2023, the Nursing Department at FV Hospital organised the Nursing Quiz, serving as an annual knowledge review for nurses and midwives at FV. The final competition started two days before the anniversary and witnessed fierce competition until the last minute. As a result, the nursing team from the Medical West Ward successfully gained their champion title in this contest. The nurses from the ICU/NICU and the Operating Theatre secured the second and third positions, respectively.

Ms Nguyen Thi Hien, the Deputy Director of Nursing, presented prizes to the teams participating in the Nursing Quiz Competition.

This year’s event showcased the talents of many nurses through art performances. Alongside activities aimed at improving skills and expertise, FV Hospital runs programmes to foster innovation in the work environment and develop soft skills for the staff.

As the day came to a close, Ms Lee Poh Lian expressed her hope that the nursing department would continue to enhance their expertise, continually learn new skills, foreign languages, and gain access to new technologies. These efforts will enable every nurse to meet the future job requirements.

The FV nursing team is ready to face future challenges.

On International Nurses Day 2023, FV Hospital would like to extend congratulations to nurses, midwives, and technicians from all around the world, especially those working at FV. We wish you all good health, fulfilment in your career, and we look forward to witnessing the new heights in your future journeys!

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