
FV Hospital Celebrates World Breastfeeding Week from 1st to 7th August 2023

In 2023, the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) announced the theme for World Breastfeeding Week to be “Enabling breastfeeding –  Making a difference for working parents”. The events will take place from August 1st, 2023, to August 7th, 2023, and FV Hospital continues to respond to this meaningful event.

The WHO recommends that exclusive breastfeeding during the first 6 months of a child’s life is an important factor to ensure the best development and health for babies. Breast milk provides essential nutrition and boosts the immune system of babies, helping to prevent many dangerous diseases. Breastfeeding helps the bonding of mother and baby, and continuous rooming-in facilitates this process. However, in today’s busy and hectic life maintaining breastfeeding can be difficult for many working mothers.

WABA’s 2023 campaign promotes that workplaces provide facilities for parents of breastfed babies. Additionally, supportive policies should be in place, such as providing a private area for breastfeeding or pumping and allowing flexible time off for breastfeeding in addition to support and counselling for breastfeeding mothers. At FVH, mothers who bring their babies for Paediatric Consultation are provided a room at the “Kid-Zone” for this purpose.

FV Hospital has carried out numerous activities to increase awareness and knowledge for mothers-to-be and parents concerning issues related to breastfeeding. The Breastfeeding Policy has been developed to provide information and guidance to midwives and staff on the benefits of breast milk and correct breastfeeding practices supported by education maternal provided to the new mothers. Birth preparation classes are also organized to provide information pertaining to pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.

Our trained professionals guide our pregnant patients and their partners on topics ranging from body physiological changes, psychological preparation, exercises, nutritional needs, pain management and information about the actual delivery phase preparation to immediate post-natal care.

Immediately following delivery, our midwives provide hands-on guidance to the mothers, demonstrating the appropriate and comfortable positions for the breastfeeding. Daily rounds include checking the mothers on correct practice with as much encouragement as possible. Any restrictions effecting breastfeeding due to inadequate knowledge is proactively managed with the doctors reinforcing the benefits of breastfeeding. Counselling may be ordered for some social issues.

For mothers that plan to resume work after their maternity leave, are encouraged to continue to breastfeed their babies. Training is given on how to express their breast milk using a breast pump, with information on how to store breast milk so it remains safe and sanitary. The carers can be trained to continue to feed with this breast milk that are kept in bottles when the mother is at work.

As a baby-friendly hospital since the very beginning, FV hospital has abided by the WHO/UNICEF Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding:

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