
The 12th ‘Give Blood – Give Hope’ Programme is back

After a short postponement, FV Hospital is pleased to announce that the 12th “Give Blood – Give Hope” programme has returned. The programme hopes to once again welcome many volunteers to participate in the final blood donation drive of 2024. This is an annual event organised by FV Hospital in collaboration with the Blood Transfusion Hematology Hospital.

With the message of giving to bring hope to many patients, the programme hopes that volunteers will experience joy and positive feelings from this activity. The programme is open to anyone who meets the blood donation criteria detailed below:

Date and Time: 7:30 AM – 12:00 PM, Thursday, 17th October 2024

Location: Auditorium, 3rd Floor – F Building, FV Hospital

Each participant will receive the following:

  • 50,000 VND per person in cash for travel expenses
  • Light snacks and refreshments on-site
  • Blood Donation Certificate
  • Milk


  • Blood donors aged 18 – 60, in good health, weighing over 45kg, and free from infectious diseases transmitted through blood, chronic or acute respiratory, cardiovascular conditions, etc.
  • Those who have been vaccinated over 14 days ago with normal health, or those confirmed recovered from COVID-19 after 30 days, may participate
  • Blood donors must bring identification (ID card/passport) and complete the registration form in the blood donation area.

Pre- and Post-Donation Guidelines:


  • Stay up too late or consume alcohol the night before donation.
  • Drive long distances, carry heavy loads, work hard, or engage in strenuous exercise on the day of donation until fully recovered.


  • Bring your ID card/identity card when donating blood.
  • Eat a light meal (low in protein and fat) and drink plenty of water (300 – 500 ml) before donation.
  • Eat well and drink plenty of water for 24 hours after donation.
  • Rest lying down or sitting for 10 minutes after donation.
  • Apply a cotton pad on the injection site for 10 minutes and keep the bandage on.
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