
Restore your vision with SNEC corneal expert

It’s often said that “the eyes are the windows to the soul”, alluding to how others can understand how we feel by looking into our eyes. From the inside looking out, these vital organs of sight play an extremely important role in how we learn about and navigate the world around us. So, what can we do when we have a problem with our eyes?
From March 30 to April 1, 2018, Assoc. Prof. Jod Mehta – a world-leading corneal specialist from Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) – will provide consultations to patients with corneal conditions at FV Hospital’s Ophthalmology Department.

This is a great opportunity for patients to undergo examination and treatment by a leading international specialist without the high cost associated with having to go abroad for care. In addition, FV sources its corneas from the largest eye banks in the US and Singapore – the world’s best facilities at obtaining, medically evaluating, preserving and distributing materials to patients who require corneal transplants, all at a reasonable cost.

Ms N.T.L, 34, living in Bien Hoa, Dong Nai Province, was losing her eyesight over time after falling ill with sore eyes and a fever when she was 26, which had led to a corneal ulcer and corneal scarring. Ms L desperately sought treatment in many hospitals, but was unsuccessful. Fortunately, her husband, Mr N.D.V learned that Assoc. Prof. Jod Mehta would soon be visiting FV Hospital from SNEC to consultant with patients. The couple decided to seize this opportunity for treatment. The procedure performed by Dr Mehta was a success, and for the first time in eight years, Ms N.T.L can see perfectly again.

Ms N.T.L remembers the first time she visited FV Hospital and was diagnosed with corneal scarring by Dr Mehta. He recommended her to undergo the latest technique for cornea transplant surgery, lamellar keratoplasty (LK). This procedure offers a variety of theoretical and practical advantages compared with other techniques as it aims at removing and selectively replacing diseased parts of the corneal stroma while retaining the healthy ones. The surgery was a success and Ms N.T.L’s eyes are now fully recovered.

“I am so grateful to have the chance to see clearly again. Without cornea transplant surgery, I might have become fully blind because my sight was worsening, day by day. I am so thankful to Dr Mehta for restoring my sight, giving me the chance to see my beloved children and to experience the beauty of the world,” Ms. L shares.

To me, this was a miracle which opened the door to a brighter future. Thank you, FV Hospital for giving me this opportunity when I was desperate. Your care and devotion makes patients like me feel very happy

Assoc. Prof. Jod Mehta said: When your cornea becomes damaged and prevents light from reaching your retina – the most light-sensitive layer of tissue – your eyesight worsens and this condition may lead to serious visual impairment. Cornea transplant surgery replaces the damaged or diseased parts of the cornea with donated healthy corneal tissue to restore eyesight.

With more than 20 years of experience in the field, Assoc. Prof. Jod Mehta is recognised worldwide for his expertise in complicated corneal transplant techniques, including his success in penetrating keratoplasty, anterior lamellar keratoplasty, endothelial keratoplasty, and other forms of treatment. At SNEC, most of his time is spent working on developing cornea transplant surgery, new stem-cell-based therapies and femtosecond lasers.

To receive a consultation and treatment by Assoc. Prof. Jod Mehta, please contact the Ophthalmology Department at FV Hospital, 6 Nguyen Luong Bang, Dist. 7, HCMC. For appointments, please call: (028) 5411 3333, ext. 2000.
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