Newborn Hearing Screening

Newborn Hearing Screening

Price: 680,000 VNĐ

FV Hospital recommends that all newborns should be routinely screened for hearing problems

The screening test is called Oto-Acoustic Emissions (OAE) that only takes a few minutes. If the first OAE failed test on one or both ears a second OAE test must be performed the following day

If the second OAE fails then another audiological assessment called AABR (Automated Acoustic Brainstem Response) is required within 2 weeks at the ORL department

The screening programme includes:
  • OAE (Oto Acoustic Emission) Test
  • AABR (Automated Acoustic Brainstem Response) if necessary
This programme applies to:
  • Infants from 1 to 6 months old

Other exams and additional tests are not included in this programme.

To schedule an appointment at the FVH Paediatrics Department, please contact:

Phone Number: 028 5411 3333

Ext: 1231 / 1276/ 1383

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