STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) Screening

STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) Screening

Price: 4,900,000 VNĐ

Screening for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) will help protect you and your partner. Many STDs do not have obvious symptoms but can be easily cured. If left untreated, a STD can cause severe health problems for you, your partner or unborn baby.

Anyone who is sexually active and may have been at risk of contracting STD, for example engaging in high-risk sexual activities, should have a STD screening. Also, if you experience symptoms like abnormal discharge from vagina or penis, Itchiness, pain, redness or ulceration of the anus or genitalia, burning sensation while urinating, and, for women, abdominal pain unrelated to menstruation

The screening programme includes:
  • Consultation with General Practice
  • Syphilis Screening (VDRL/TPHA)
  • Chlamydia Trachomatis PCR (Local)
  • Neisseria Gonorrhea PCR
  • Urogenital Mycoplasma Semi-Quantitative
  • HIV Combi (P24 Ag & Total Ab)
  • Hepatitis B screening
This programme applies to:
  • Anyone who is sexually active and may have been at risk
  • People with the following symptoms:
    • Abnormal discharge from the vagina or penis tip
    • Itchiness, pain, redness or ulceration of the anus or genitalia
    • Abdominal pain unrelated to menstruation
    • A burning sensation while urinating, or urinating more than usual
  • Women who are pregnant or intend to become pregnant
  • Women should not come in for tests when they are having a period, vaginal bleed
  • Before 24 hours of testing, patients must not have sexual intercourse
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