
FV hospital sponsors Krossing Over arts Festival 2019

Krossing Over Arts Festival 2019 (KOAF) is set to be an emotional art journey which will be held in HCMC for three days, from April 14 to April 16, 2019, and is proudly sponsored by FV Hospital. The festival includes a series of concerts combining contemporary dance and other highly interactive art forms, such as short art film shows, talks from artists and workshops on contemporary dance that will inspire the audience to get involved.

With the theme “Roots”, KOAF 2019 carries the message of traditional drinking water to remember the source and seeks for the us to appreciate the achievements that we enjoy in today’s life, building ourselves from the foundation that contributes to a more developed existence.

Unlike many art programmes that take the mainstream stage, KOAF gives viewers a new and close look when performing at many public places such as; City Fine Arts Museum, libraries, bookstores, galleries or simply in a cafe. The artists will interact with the performance space, taking the audience away by creating surprises after surprises, when exploring the space in a unique and artistic way. The programme brings together more than 30 artists from many countries, including the Kerman Art Group headed by Choreographer, Talented Dance Artist Sébastien Ly, Artists Kader Attou, UDG Dance Company Le Mai Anh, Sandrine Llouquet, Nguyen Phuc Hung, Sung A Lung, John Huy Tran and many other famous artists.

Supported by FV Hospital with a grant of up to $10,000, the programme will run 10 shows in 15 different locations. By coming to KOAF 2019, the audience will not only watch the show but also experience the pinnacle of art.

To learn more about the programme and book tickets, please visit:

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