
The perfect hips can bring you a sensual body will desirable curves. The firmness, roundness and neatness of the hips radiate a sense of modern beauty. It’s time for you to say goodbye to worn out hips with the help of a senior doctor at FV Lifestyle!

Non-surgical buttock lift performed by well-trained doctors. With the experience and sensitivity in pioneering the trend and understanding the Eastern-Western aesthetic values, FV Lifestyle’s doctors are perfected in the artistry of creating the “perfect” buttock lift, but also meets the strictest medical requirements of safety.

The Service’s Special Features:

  • The type of filler to administer a butt lift is chosen among 200 different types by experienced doctors to achieve the perfect result.
  • With years of experience, our doctors understand the golden ratio for a perfect buttock lift based on individual BMI, and not the common measures of 90 – 60 – 90 as people usually think.


Thank you for requesting an appointment at FV Hospital.

You will shortly receive a reply with all the requested details. Note that though we try our best to respect your date and time preferences the exact moment of your appointment will depend on your doctor’s availability.

In the meantime, if you need to speak to a member of our staff by phone, please call FVH Appointment Services on (84 – 28) 54 11 33 33 from 8:00am to 5:00pm from Monday to Friday and from 8:00am to 12:00pm on Saturday.

Thank you for choosing FV Hospital as your healthcare provider


FV Hospital

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