
Announcement about the essential changes to the FV hospital membership programme

There have recently been many alterations in the healthcare insurance market regarding benefits offered to insured patients.  With our goal of offering the best benefits to you and your family we have decided to change our insurance partner.  From the 1st of November 2015, we will no longer be partnered with Bao Viet Insurance Corporation, and instead the FVH Membership Programmes will be partnered with Post and Telecommunication Joint Stock Insurance Corporation (PTI).

There will be no alterations in the current benefits that are offered by FV Hospital, itself, such as free consultation for selected specialties, discount for health check-ups, investigations, and for some hospitalisation that is not covered by the insurance company (PTI).  However, the insurance premium and benefits offered by our new partnered insurance company will be subjected to change and subsequently, so will the membership fees and its benefits.  These new alterations will take place for members who will register or renew their memberships from the 1st of November 2015.  For memberships that will be enrolled or renewed before the 31st of October 2015, benefits will remain unchanged during their membership year.

The essential changes for the new memberships are:

  1. There will be no single fixed deductible fee of VND 2,090,000, instead there will be a co-payment ranging from 10% to 25% depending on your age for each hospitalisation. Exceptions are: Maternity which will be always based on a co-payment of 25%, and hospitalisation due to accidents which will incur no co-payment.
  2. Registration for a FV Hospital Membership will be available for persons who are undergoing any treatment for cancer or related complications, however they will not be entitled to benefits for in-patient care covered by our partnered insurance company.

On registration, you will now be required to fill out an application form detailing your previous health conditions. In addition, the memberhips fees will increase from 5% depend on your age group.   New membership brochures, membership fees and membership benefits will be sent to you based upon your specific requirements.

Please kindly contact our Customer Consultant for further details.

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