
FV celebrates The World of Secretary’s Day

World Secretary’s Day this year falls on April 22nd, 2020 that is a day to express our gratitude towards secretary. This is also the occasion for FV Family to thank the team of Secretary and the Assistant – the silent partners who help keep all activities of the hospital running smoothly.

Several days ago, the Board of Directors was very concerned how to appreciate dedication of the secretaries on this special day when it was impossible to celebrate in the usual manner of FV Hospital. After many “brainstorms“, the last idea was chosen to bring the message “sending love from a small gift” that it will bring joy to our secretaries. On 22nd April, the gift bags were delivered with greetings from the Management, especially the Board of Directors.

Dr. Jean-Marcel Guillon, CEO, was the first person to write a letter to congratulate the secretaries of FV Hospital. In his message:

“I am so sorry that given the circumstances we cannot put together a ceremony for you. So to compensate I just wanted to say a few words. You may not know, but 20 years ago there was no medical secretary in Vietnam. It must be in 2000 or 2001 that Ms Phuong from the Lotus school met people from a vocational school next to Paris who were preparing students to become medical secretaries, so she thought that it was something she could do in her school, however she was unsure that there would be jobs for such specialised secretaries in Vietnam because at that time only nurses were assisting doctors. I told her that there was a future for such specialised secretaries and that I would hire the first batch of secretaries, and we signed an agreement for this and also to provide training to the first secretaries, I even gave a speech in the Lotus school for the first diplomas ceremony (with Ms Mai who is Medical Secretary in Imaging, she will remember very well). So I am proud to have contributed to the creation of a new profession in Vietnam.

All doctors think that you are indispensable, they would not know how to do without you, I still remember fondly when I gave consultations at FV how my medical secretary back then was helping me, it’s wonderful to have someone assisting you like you do. So I’d like to thank you very much and above all to let you know how much you are appreciated.”

On this occasion, the Board of Directors also shows their appreciation to their secretaries and assistants who support them in their daily work.

It can be clearly seen that FV Family is always a team with high solidarity, enthusiastic and a friendly working environment. In spite of the outbreak of Covid-19, the Board of Directors did not forget to bring a happy and meaningful day for the secretary and assistant team with a meaningful gift.

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