
Oncologist Tran Ngoc Quang, Md – Phd, will work at FV Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre

From 26th October to 7th November 2015, French oncologist Tran Ngoc Quang, MD – PhD, will offer consultations and treatment to patients at Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre, FV Hospital.


As Head of Radiotherapy at Saint Quentin Hospital in France from 1981 to 2006, Dr.Tran Ngoc Quang has over 36 years of experience in radiation therapy for breast and prostate cancer.

After achieving a PhD from the faculty of Medicine in Saigon, Dr. Tran Ngoc Quang worked as a cancer surgical assistant at the former Saigon University of Medicine and Pharmacy and Binh Dan Hospital. He then continued to achieve a specialist degree in X-ray, radiation therapy and oncology and a medical practitioner certification in France.

With his profound knowledge and experience in international-standard care, Tran Ngoc Quang MD – PhD, has provided treatment for many cancer cases and all of his patients have been very pleased with their outcomes.
If you or one of your family members are in need of examination and treatment from this French specialist, please call (08) 54 11 34 40 or book an appointment online.

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