
Support Breastfeeding for a Healthier Planet

Breastfeeding brings great benefits to babies for their health and development. Through breast milk, babies can absorb nutrients and antibodies and feel the warmth of love from their mothers.

Busy lifestyles, however, make finding the time for breastfeeding difficult. Therefore, to help increase awareness of breastfeeding and the health benefits it brings to new-borns, World Breastfeeding Week is annually held from 1st August to 7th August. The main theme for 2020 will be Support Breastfeeding for a Healthier Planet. The weeklong event also raises awareness to relatives and communities to encourage them to help mothers have the time to breastfeed.

World Breastfeeding Week will run at FV Hospital from August 1st to August 7th. During this time, pregnant women who come to FV can enjoy meaningful gifts, which will be given out to them, as well as benefit from expert advice from midwives, who will be on hand to share their knowledge on breastfeeding. In addition, at the main lobby of FV Hospital, there will be informative videos playing which provide educational guides on the appropriate positions to breastfeed.

World Breastfeeding Week is a global event which raises awareness on breastfeeding, sharing useful information for mothers, all to support the development of babies in their early years.

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