
Basic Procedure:

a/ Examine and identify reduction shape of the areola.

b/ Draw 2 concentric circles, using the nipple location as the centre.

c/ Cut tissue out of your areola.

d/ Close the incision site with aesthetic stitch and complete the operation.

Specificities at FV Lifestyle:

  • Doctors at FV Lifestyle directly perform the whole procedure.
  • After the surgery, customers will be consulted carefully about the care, appropriate diet as well as recovery time.
  • Pain during operation is minimized with exclusive multimodal analgesia techniques at FV.


Thank you for requesting an appointment at FV Hospital.

You will shortly receive a reply with all the requested details. Note that though we try our best to respect your date and time preferences the exact moment of your appointment will depend on your doctor’s availability.

In the meantime, if you need to speak to a member of our staff by phone, please call FVH Appointment Services on (84 – 28) 54 11 33 33 from 8:00am to 5:00pm from Monday to Friday and from 8:00am to 12:00pm on Saturday.

Thank you for choosing FV Hospital as your healthcare provider


FV Hospital

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