Health Enews

FV Hospital Improves Safety Through Patient Quality of Care Task Force Training

At FV Hospital, patient safety is a responsibility for all staff and has been imperative to us for many years.

Patient safety is an issue concerning systems and organisational culture, not simply individuals. It requires comprehensive training that will equip our staff not only with knowledge and confidence, but also the willingness to share within the workplace the lessons they have learnt.

To achieve this, the Quality Management Department (QMD) has introduced a Patient Quality of Care Course, that is open to all staff who have passion and commitment for patient safety and quality improvement.

The participants are both those who are in direct contact with patients and those working behind the scenes. Through this course, they will learn about the importance of patient safety and gain further understanding of their respective roles in patient safety process.

The course is based on the WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide (2011) and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). The course has 12 modules including the content about Quality of Healthcare, Culture of Safety, and Managing Clinical Risk. Each training module will include an online video presentation, a pre-test and a video clip showing examples of best practice in other hospitals.

To help significantly reduce the affect the busy regular work schedule, the participants can take only 1 module each month. The QMD will ensure that this course will not only be educational but also fun and exciting.

It is not only about patient safety, FV Hospital has organised many professional training sessions as well as other related skills training courses  following the size of departments or even for all the hospital. Through many training courses for our staff, FV Hospital aims to improve the quality of healthcare service, enhance their qualifications and bring further the satisfaction for the patients who have chosen FV Hospital for their examination and treatment.

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