Table of contents
To our patients and family members,
We want to thank you for allowing us to care for you and your loved one. Due to the ongoing and rapidly changing situation occurring with COVID-19 and in response to the new restrictions by the MoH, we have changed our visiting policy to keep you and our caregivers safe from the spread of COVID-19.
Effective immediately, and until further notice, we will be implementing these new visitor restrictions. We know that in every situation there are special circumstances, and exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis. We encourage you and your loved ones to keep in contact by phone, video communication or text. Thank you for your understanding and know that our highest priority is to keep you safe.
All visitors coming into the hospital will go through a screening process. This includes being asked for symptoms, recent travel activity, and recent exposure to COVID-19. If the visitor is positive for any of these, they won’t be permitted to visit. All visitors are required to wear a mask and perform hand hygiene before entering into the building.
Regular visiting regulations
Accident & Emergency Department: No visitors will be permitted to go into the treatment area.
Outpatient Clinic: No visitors will be allowed to accompany patients, except children under 16-year-old who must be accompanied by one parent, legal guardian or surrogate. Exceptions are elderly patients, disabled patients or pregnant women who need help and can be accompanied by one support person.
Surgical and Medical wards: No visitors are allowed to visit inpatients in these wards. We ask that you designate one person to communicate with the care team during the hospitalisation. We encourage you to use your telephone or other technology to help keep you connected with your loved ones.
Paediatric Ward: Visitors will be limited to one parent, legal guardian or surrogate. At this time, no siblings are allowed. Overnight stay is permitted for one parent
Maternity Ward and Delivery Suite: One support person is allowed to stay during hospitalisation unless the patient is COVID-19 positive.
Intensive Care Unit (ICU): Only one visitor at a time for a maximum of two hours (from 2:00pm to 4:00pm and from 6:00pm to 8:00pm).
Neo-Natal Intensive care Unit (NICU) and Neo-Natal High-Dependency Unit (NHDU): Visitors will be limited to only parents or guardians. Only one visitor at a time for a maximum of two hours.
High-Dependency Unit (HDU) and Cardiac Care Unit (CCU): Only one visitor at a time (from 1:00pm to 8:00pm)
Day ward: No visitors will be allowed to visit.
Exceptional Circumstances: For critically ill, very old or very handicapped patients and for patients requiring a relative or carer to be involved in their care, visiting hours outside regular visiting hours as well as overnight stay can be agreed with the Head Nurses.