
“Fire safety week” at FV hospital

From November 2 to 6, 2015, FV Hospital’s Facility Department will corporate with Fire Protection Centre 4-10 and the Fire Protection Police of District 7 to organise the first Fire Safety Week at FV Hospital.

At FV Hospital, fire prevention is a top safety priority. If a fire incident were to take place at FV Hospital, the risk of human casualties and potential damage to equipment and data would be particularly high.

With this in mind, we are organising Fire Safety Week to raise awareness of fire prevention within the hospital. Activities have been designed to help staff members understand fire prevention and rescue procedures, to deliver instructions on how to use portable fire-fighting tools stationed across the hospital, and to improve the quality of our internal fire prevention team.

Simultaneously, this is an opportunity for local fire prevention professionals to take a look at the hospital’s infrastructure and location of water sources, to come up with an evacuation roadmap for emergency situations and examine the quality of fire-fighting equipment.

Fire Safety Week will take place amidst many practical and fun activities. The fire prevention and fire-fighting equipment display area will be a place to learn and take photos, and the fire-fighting equipment instructions and safety guidelines provided by Facility Department of FV Hospital in corporation with Fire Protection Centre 4-10 will be both engaging and informative.

On the final day of Fire Safety Week every member of the FV Hospital staff will take part in a fire prevention rehearsal under the instruction and cooperation of Fire Prevention Police of District 7. This exercise will instruct the staff in practical ways to react during a crisis, and how to navigate out of dangerous areas while helping to retain order and security.

After the rehearsal, FV Hospital will cooperate with local fire prevention teams to organise a follow-up meeting to assess the event. Fire Prevention professionals will outline which parts were performed well and what will still needs to be improved for future fire prevention activities.

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