
FV Hospital honoured to be Part of pink hat day 2019

Pink Hat Day 2019 was enjoyed by more than 1500 attendees who visited the event with the purpose of supporting people with breast cancer. FV Hospital’s Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre helped out at the event by sharing medical information on preventing and minimizing the risk of breast cancer. Such information is vital in helping people learn how to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Pink Hat Day 2019 took place on October 27th, 2019 at Ho Xuan Huong Stadium in District 3, Ho Chi Minh City. Attending the event was Dr Basma M’Barek, Head of Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre, who shared and answered questions about specialized breast cancer care issues. Many visitors stopped by Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre’s booth to enquire about further information and take photos. Such photos being posted on social media and gifts being handed out worked great in promoting the message “fighting breast cancer” with the hashtags; #TrungtamHyVong, #BenhvienFV, #phongchongungthuvu.

Dr Basma M’Barek, Head of Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre, spoke on the topic of breast cancer prevention

A variety of patients and their families joined in the activities in the photo area of Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre’s booth

One major highlight of Pink Hat Day 2019 was a sharing from the ‘Pink Warriors’. These were patients who had had breast cancer and spoke about their experiences. Such sharing provided for a powerful experience as attendees learnt about the emotional rollercoaster when facing the condition. From panic and worry when learning they had breast cancer, to anxiety and low self-esteem due to their appearance through treatment, as well as their joy when, through having faith and being strong, they overcame their condition. Focused on the theme “Party in Pink – moving to end breast cancer”, the event inspired attendees through the message of living a healthy and happy life to overcome the condition, with an energetic example of Zumba dance moves being used.

Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre’s Pink Ribbon themed flashmob dance performance

Pink Hat Day 2019 included many meaningful activities. These included a gallery of breast cancer patients, and stalls with make-up, T-shirts, face painting, nail painting, and even a haircut donation drive campaign. All with the aim to raise money to help cancer patients regain confidence in their own appearance when being treated for breast cancer. Another highlight of the event was the Zumba Fundraising Party with the participation of 40 Zumba coaches from both Vietnam and abroad. 500 attendees, including more than 100 breast cancer patients, took part in the Zumba dance.

Zumba dance activity attracted more than 500 participants

Accompanying breast cancer patients on their journey to overcome their fears against cancer was Ms Nguyen Thuy Tien, Co-founder of Vietnam Breast Cancer Network. She shared: “For women, their hair symbolizes their pride and beauty. The activity “Cut hair for cancer hope” helps the unfortunate regains their confidence in life”. As part of the event, a hair wig donation drive was held and received over 300 hair wig donations by the participants. Hundreds of people waited in line for their haircut and sent good wishes to cancer patients. “My hair is the thing I love the most, please send it to a person in need. Try your best!”, “You guys are the strongest warriors. I hope my hair will give you strength!’. The real hair donated will be used to make wigs for people suffering from cancer.

Many young people participated in the hair donation drived for breast cancer patients

FV’s Hy Vong Cancer Centre was pleased to be part of Pink Hat Day 2019. The event was organized by the Breast Cancer Network in Vietnam (BCNV). BCNV is a non-profit organization established on 03/03/2013, by Thuong Sobey, director of NAVI DECOM Social Enterprise. She sadly passed away herself when facing a stage 4 case of breast cancer. The BCNV is currently a member of The Union for International Cancer Controls (UICC) and its mission is to raise awareness, provide information about breast cancer detection and prevention, and improve the quality of life for those who already suffer from it.

Check-in activity at the Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre’s booth

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