
FV Hospital started Covid-19 vaccination campaign for nearly 5,000 French citizens and their relatives in southern Vietnam

While the FV volunteer forces are participating in Covid-19 vaccination in the community as assigned by the Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City; on the 29th July 2021, at FV Hospital, the French Citizen Vaccination campaign to deliver the first dose for 5,000 French citizens and their relatives in the South of Vietnam has also started.

It is estimated that FV Hospital will perform the vaccination for 800 people every day. In order to organise the effective vaccination for this number of patients from 8 am to 5 pm every day, FV Hospital has organised a vaccination model that is implemented in the France.

Làm thủ tục trước khi tiêm vắc-xin
Performing procedures before vaccination

Appointments are arranged per group, the procedure for Covid-19 safe prevention and control is scientifically implemented. Patients arriving at the destination will make a health declaration, then will be screened by the nurse again to ensure upmost safety. In the waiting area, each person receives the patient education material on the vaccine, its effects, and possible reaction following injection. Once they fully understand it, and consent to treatment, they will receive the injection. Anyone with any concern can consult the doctor who is always present for on the spot for advice and clarification. There are three nurses in charge of each group of patients to be vaccinated. These nurses are trained in the steps of safe vaccination procedures with the Moderna vaccine. FV Hospital vaccination area is fully equipped with necessary emergency equipment to manage any case of serious reaction to the vaccination.

Khu vực sàng lọc y tế được bố trí ở bên ngoài bệnh viện
Medical screening area is arranged outside hospital
Sau đó, các công dân Pháp sẽ vào các khu vực tiêm chủng bên trong Bệnh viện FV để tiêm vắc- xin
After that, French citizens will enter the vaccination areas inside FV Hospital to get vaccinated

After the injection, people will wait for 30 minutes monitoring period. In case of no abnormality, they can go home. Before leaving, each person will be informed of the specific appointment schedule for the second dose. After the 2 doses are completed, they will receive a digital vaccination certificate via email with full information including, type of vaccine, date of injection for both doses. Making it easy to move to other countries the certificate is written in English, French and Vietnamese, with a unique QR code to avoid counterfeiting.

Dr Jean-Marcel Guillon, Chief Executive Officer of FV Hospital shared: “This is an opportunity for us to practice preparing for larger vaccination campaigns when FV Hospital is approved by the Government to actively participate in the Covid-19 Vaccination Campaign. With a cold storage system that has been inspected and certified by the Pasteur Institute of Ho Chi Minh City, we can store at the same time of 800,000 doses of Astra-Zeneca vaccine, 200,000 doses of Moderna vaccine, and 600,000 doses of Pfizer vaccine, along with a workforce of more than 100 nurses licensed with mobile vaccination certificate, FV Hospital can organise the vaccination for 10,000 people a day at FV Hospital and mobile injection sites. This means that if we work 7 days a week, we can do injections for about 250,000 people a month.”

Mr Vincent Floreani, Consul General of France in Ho Chi Minh City, was present at FV very early with a group of Consul General’s staff who came to support French citizens. He shared: “I am very grateful to the Vietnamese Government for supporting us to be able to implement the vaccination program for the French community. We also appreciate the organisation of FV hospital from the phase of registration to vaccination. With its organisational capacity, facilities as well as a long-term connection with the French community, I believe FV can well execute large-scale vaccination programs like this.”

Khách đến tiêm được giải đáp và tư vấn đầy đủ thông tin
Guests who come for injections are advised with full information
Ngài Vincen Floreani – Tổng Lãnh sự Pháp cùng trao đổi với bà Phạm Thị Thanh Mai - Giám đốc điều hành FV về công tác tổ chức chiến dịch
Mr Vincent Floreani – Consul General of France discussed with Ms Pham Thi Thanh Mai – Chief Operating Officer of FV on vaccination campaign organisation
Các vị khách tham gia tiêm vắc-xin đều tỏ ra phấn khởi khi được tiêm chủng sớm với quy trình hiện đại, an toàn tại FV
The patients participating in the vaccination campaign were all excited when they were vaccinated early with modern and safe procedures at FV

Expressing her joy after being vaccinated against Covid-19 at FV Hospital on the morning of July 29, Estelle Bolengiar and her family said: “I don’t think my family had a chance to get vaccinated in Vietnam so soon, this is really a great effort of the French Consulate. I am also assured when this program is carried out at FV Hospital, the vaccination procedure is very well organised, fast and safe.”

And Mr DVH (Vietnamese overseas) excitedly said: “As far as I know, no Consulate General in Vietnam has organised a vaccination program for the community like this. I greatly appreciate the efforts of the government and the French Consulate.”

The first day of vaccination of the campaign went safely and there were no significant reactions after the injection. In accordance to manufacturer’s instructions, people who have received the first dose will receive a second dose 4 weeks later.

 Khu vực sàng lọc được đặt ngoài trời, đảm bảo an toàn trước khi người được tiêm vào khu tiêm chủng đặt bên trong Bệnh viện
The screening area is located outdoors, ensuring safety before the person to be vaccinated enters the vaccination area located inside the hospital

This vaccination campaign starts at 8am on Thursday, 29th July 2021. It is estimated that about 800 people will be injected every day. All patients received an electronic Covid-19 Vaccine Appointment Confirmation Form with the logo of the Consul General of France and a brief explanation of the vaccination campaign. Many of them live in areas or in buildings that are under lockdown and worry that they won’t be able to leave to go to FV Hospital for vaccination. Therefore, FV Hospital has requested the City People’s Committee and the City Steering Committee to direct the epidemic prevention and control forces in the localities and at the epidemic prevention and control checkpoints to allow all French and Vietnamese citizens to enter the City. Vietnamese citizens carrying a Covid-19 Vaccine Appointment Confirmation Form are allowed to leave their residence and pass through checkpoints to travel to FV Hospital at 6 Nguyen Luong Bang, Tan Phu ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City to receive their vaccination by appointment.

For more information about FV Hospital’s participation in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic

  • Participating in Covid-19 testing by real-time PCR technique: from April 2020 to now (July 29, 2021), FV Hospital has performed nearly 46,000 tests, confirming 378 positive cases for Covid-19 in the community. FV Hospital is still providing this service whilst at same time, implementing a mobile Covid PCR test model at many points in Ho Chi Minh City and neighbouring provinces under the approval and encouragement of the Ministry of Health.
  • The hospital is continuing to voluntarily contribute (without charge) to participate in the vaccination campaign for the community meeting the call and assignment of the Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City. Up to now, FV Hospital has supported the vaccination for more than 10,500 people living and working in Ho Chi Minh City
  • According to the popularity of the Ministry of Health & Department of Health, FV has organised the hospital according to the “split model” and has received and treated patients with positive underlying medical conditions for Covid-19. In addition to providing treatment for patients who are positive for Covid-19, FV is currently putting utilising 63 beds for treating Covid-19 positive patients without ventilators, and 10 beds for patients with special For Covid-19 patients in need of special treatment, the Emergency Department also operates under the model of a “split hospital” to receive emergency treatment for non-Covid-19-positive patients and Covid-19-positive patients. When needed, FV will expand its capacity to receive and treat more Covid-19 patients
  • Although it is also the frontline against the epidemic with countless financial difficulties, FV Hospital always accompanies and contributes financially to support the medical industry, contributing one billion VND (1,000,000,000 VND) in 2020 to support the Department of Medical Examination and Treatment in the work of epidemic prevention; In 2021, FV continues to support information technology machinery and equipment, worth one billion VND (1,000,000,000 VND) donated to the Ministry of Health for the prevention of the epidemic
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