Given with approval from the Social Security Administration of Vietnam and the Ministry of Health, FV Hospital signed an agreement with Ho Chi Minh City Social Security to start in July 2015 providing consultants and treatments for cancer patients with medical insurance at FV Oncology Department.

With the enthusiastic support from HCMC Social Security, FV Hospital has performed the agreement effectively. After almost one year, the public-private partnership has benefited nearly 900 patient arrivals.
Providing medical insurance services to the Vietnamese people is one of the most important tasks of the Vietnamese social security system and the Government is making enormous efforts to realize this essential mission. FV, a 100% foreign-invested hospital, through the partnership, wants to join the Government efforts in carrying out the task, and also help alleviate the overloading conditions at public hospitals. FV is also keen to provide cancer patients with a chance to get consultations and treatments at this JCI-accredited hospital with costs jointly covered by the Social Security Administration under the medical insurance scheme.
Under the agreement, costs for cancer consultations and treatments utilizing chemotherapy and radiotherapy are covered under the medical insurance scheme. The funding is for consultations, diagnostic imaging, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. In which, treatment medicines are enjoying the highest coverage percentage, from 30% to 90%. Additionally, the funding for a patient for one chemotherapy day is from VND400,000 to VND500,000. The consultations, diagnosis and treatments at FVH Oncology Department include 228 technical procedures and 150 chemotherapy medicines and other necessary medicines; all approved by the Ministry of Health. At FV, the treatment protocols are developed on the basis of the international latest practice guidance and are customized for each patient.
The press conference held here on June 15, 2016 to promote the partnership programme welcomed the attendance of Ms. Phuong Loan, wife of Mr. Ngo So Tri, a 47-year-old patient living in District 11, HCMC. The lung cancer patient has benefited from this programme since end of November 2015. Ms. Loan said that his health conditions are now much better than in the past, when he had not come to FV Hospital. His cancer treatments at FVH Oncology Department keep going. HCMC Social Security’s coverage for him between November and December 2015 was VND 8.76 million, and from January to 13th June 2016 was totally VND 65.9 million.
Simplified requirements by the Social Security Administration on health insurance coverage have helped increase the number of cancer patients coming to FV Hospital to enjoy this medical insurance programme. Dr Vo Kim Dien, Head of FVH Oncology Department, said that from July to December 2015, his department welcomed 414 patient arrivals in this programme, and the January-April 2016 number is 454. He added the payments from the Social Security Administration have provided significant supports to cancer patients and until now, the highest coverage for a patient is VND 405 million.
Under this partnership programme, all hospitals and healthcare organizations can refer their patients to FV Hospital provided that they have agreements with the Social Security Administration. In HCMC only, almost 150 hospitals and healthcare establishments can refer their patients to FV Hospital.
FV Hospital itself also does its best to help patients with procedures to enjoy these health insurance benefits. When patients reach to FV Hospital, they should submit their health insurance card to medical secretaries who then will provide them with detailed instructions.
Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre is dedicated to providing the most up-to-date diagnosis, staging and treatment to our patients. Our diagnostic technologies show us quickly and accurately the extent or location of tumours and how fast our patients are progressing back to health. Our support services make treatments more comfortable, reduce side effects, and maximize effectiveness.
By coming to us, you are armed with everything needed to fight your cancer. All we need from you is hope: simply by having faith, you will help to increase the efficacy of treatment. Think positive for a faster recovery!