
SUPPORT PATIENT SAFETY WEEK – 16/09/2024 – 20/09/2024 – ‘Improving Diagnosis for Patient Safety’

In celebration of the highly significant event – Patient Safety Week 2024, FV Hospital will be hosting a series of activities from 16th to 20th September 2024, centered around the theme “Improving diagnosis for patient safety”. With the slogan Get it right, make it safe” this year’s event highlights the crucial role of correct and timely diagnosis in medical care, ensuring safety and improving treatment outcomes for patients.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), accurate diagnosis is the key to identifying patients’ health issues and is the first essential step in accessing healthcare services. However, diagnostic errors, including misdiagnosis, delayed diagnosis, or missed diagnosis, can have serious consequences for patients.

Improving diagnostic safety requires addressing systemic issues and cognitive factors that can lead to errors. Systemic factors include organisational shortcomings such as poor communication between healthcare staff or between staff and patients, heavy workloads, and inefficiencies in teamwork. Cognitive factors involve the training and experience of doctors, fatigue, poor health, and work-related stress, all of which can contribute to inaccurate diagnoses.

This year, in addition to activities throughout the week, FV Hospital will launch a campaign to encourage the enhancement of doctors’ diagnostic skills, in addition to promoting active involvement from patients and their families in the diagnostic process.

Patients, their relatives, and FV staff are invited to take part in engaging activities at the event booth (Indochine lobby – FV Hospital) between 16-20th September. Participants can also share their thoughts on “safety in diagnosis” via the Sharing Board (either in person at the booth or online here), helping FV to continue improving safety in diagnosis.

In support, FV will release detailed guideline materials titled The 3 Things to Do, aimed at patients and their families, outlining their role in ensuring an accurate diagnosis, such as asking questions and participating in medical decision-making.

With this year’s event, FV Hospital aims not only to improve the diagnostic skills of its medical team but also to encourage patients to become “active partners” in managing their own health. Join us at FV in these meaningful activities and support our efforts to ensure optimal safety for all patients!


“Improving diagnosis for patient safety”

1. Patient Safety Training Programme with FV speakers: 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM, 16th & 18th September 2024 at Auditorium, 3rd Floor, F Building

2. Online Sharing Session with Thomson Malaysia: 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM (VN), 23rd September 2024. Click this link to JOIN

3. Games and Prizes at the event booth throughout Patient Safety Week at the Indochine Lobby: 10:00 AM on 16th September 2024 to 11:00 AM on 20th September 2024


4. Join the Patient Safety Photo Contest with exciting prizes (exclusive to FV staff): 10:00 AM on 16th September 2024 to 4:00 PM on 20th September 2024. Click this link for detailed information

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